
The Real Deal…

How my journey can help you quit your boss, and live your life on your own terms.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the bullshit, I want it raw, I want it real. That’s why I created this blog, it’s cheeky and at times in your face. Why sugar coat the fact that success takes a lot of work, and every overnight success took years to get to that stage.

Why am I doing this?

Why stick my neck out? Because I’ve worked in big business, I’ve seen the damage it can do to crush great minds and creative people, I’ve seen it dash the hopes of dreamers like you and me, just because “that’s not how we do things here” or “we have a procedure for that”. All because there is one person that has created their own principality, and is only interested in justifying their existence long enough so they can get their gold watch at the end. If I can inspire just one person, this would all be worth it.

What gives me the knowledge to help you?

Nothing really, I could go on about the years I’ve spent in Retail, Management, Human Resources etc. I could tell you how I finished my degree in the top 5% of my faculty, but ultimately that counts for naught. I’m learning all this as I go, the hard way.

Hopefully, by documenting what works and what doesn’t, I can at least make the entrepreneurial journey more efficient for you. Here I’ll bare my heart and soul, so learn from my mistakes and successes. I expect you to hold me to account, the same way I will you.

Get a bag of cement and…

I’m not here to worry about your feelings, or pat you on the back and make sure you get a trophy for participation. I’m here to ask the hard questions, and give you the honest truth, and yeah, if you are gonna bullshit, I’m gonna call you on it. There are no shortcuts, do it right the first time. And if you mess up? Get up of your sorry arse and try harder… try again! Ask yourself “is what I’m doing making an impact?” “Am I adding value to people’s lives?” If not, stop what you are doing and find something else.

Everybody wants a shortcut, everybody wants to get rich quick… well guess what, nobody did, unless you win the lottery, but somehow I don’t like your odds.

Oh and one last thing, I’m not all work and no play, to the contrary. I believe in having fun, and the importance of down time to keep your body and mind healthy. Work hard… play harder.



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